Guadalajara Daily Photo
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Learning to live

Street children is a very common (and sad) problem in Mexico. I think is really hard for them to learn to live such a hard life from a very young age.
I don’t think this class of “education” is available from books, but I least I’m glad this cute boy was looking forward to find a new world from his reading.
It seems that too many countries in the world do not do well for their children, the most vulnerable citizens. We also have problems, and I grieve for all those children. Am spending 3 months in Mazatlán and plan to volunteer in an orphanage there. Does Guadalajara also have orphanages available to those children?
So sad to see kids like this, who have so little. Poor boy.
We don't really have street children in my country of Australia. It's hard to comprehend how these little people can cope with such a life. My own childhood was very sheltered so it probably made me soft. I imagine that street children might gain some strength and worldly life skills from their ordeal?
Yes we have them, but as you can imagine, they're not enough:(
It breaks your heart to see this almost every day. I'm afraid that some day we'll see this as normal.
That's a very optimistic way to see this problem. I think that yes, they get a faster way to see life, but sometimes they grow up mad, and have no where to put all that angriness. Hope this kid, at least, could be happy.
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