Guadalajara Daily Photo
Friday, September 29, 2006
¡"Cacahuates, elotitos... pasele pasele!"

That is what you could hear when passing among this sellers, at a public fair.
It literally means “Peanuts, corns… come on, come on!”. I think this is the best part of being a t a public party: the eating. You have not idea of how many different kinds of stuff you can try. Yummy!!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
We are Sudamerican Rockers

Well, geographically Mexico is not is Sudamerica but I remember this song from a 80's Chilenean Rock band called "Los Prisioneros". The song was played also the first time Mtv Latino was aired, I guess it was in 1993, not sure. Anyway, this picture was taken from a concert in Guadalajara two weeks ago. As in any other city the week-ends is a good reason for people go out to have fun: bars, restaurants or to listen music.
By the way, the band is called Evil Hippie.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Nope, it is not a question of balance. This happens to be like this.
A far front view of the Government Palace of Zapopan, with a near sight of the inclination of the floor.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Hanging on the Telephone

Listening the old Blondie's song, I remember when people used to look for a public phone in the street and there were not really a lot, now it is usual to see them in the street but also people has mobile phones. Times changes.
By the way, in Mexico the public phones use a card to work, like in Europe and Asia, bot like in USA that work with coins.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Flower seller

This is inside Tlaquepaque’s market (spanish word: mercado)
As you may recall for Mexicans, the Virgen de Guadalupe is extremely important, in a way that having her on our commercial establishments is a sign of truly devotion. This image is very common on this kind of places.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Bus Stop

Unfortunately here the public transportaticion is not good, there are only two subway lines and the rest is by bus. Usually the buses are in bad shape and the drivers think they carry animals instead of persons. There are som bus stops with protection against rain or sun, this is one of them, the rest are usually just a corner with no shades, and noise.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

In every single fair, public party, church celebration, etcetera… you will find this game: “Canicas (marbles)”. The game consist in that there are 36 holes with a numeric value (six of one point, six of two, until number six) so you have to roll six huge marbles in order to get into these holes, getting a final number (adding each six of them) so you can choose your prize according to it, usually just trash stuff, but hey… who can steal the fun you just had!!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Verde que te quiero verde

“Green, that green I love you” is a popular saying in Mexico. This tree is totally covered of liquen, and I just love, love, love how greener has got.
Good week for everyone!!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Guadalajara's Coat of Arms

Well, in Mexico we don't have lions but Carlos I from Spain, or Carlos V from Germany gave to our city a Coat of Arms when he stayed that now we have the royal title of City. It is used not only for Guadalajara but for all the state of Jalisco. This is the image of a vehicle at the municipality service.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Come on in please

A very nice entry, to a very nice church (yes, another one... remember churchland???) This is another shot from the Zapopan Basilica.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Street wonders

Walking one afternoon I found this beautiful pieces of images made of crystal, unfortunately they are now let alone and the time and weather have done their job.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
New things

This is the floor that is at this park. It was just renewed like five or tour months ago. Even though I like the design, I used to like how the old and time-has-been-here used to look. I'll try to get you some pictures.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Iguana Verde

In Mexico it is normal to have strange animals as pets, the forest and the jungle are not so far from here, and you can buy Iguanas in a pet shop, with their register to protect them, still not everything so nice and sweet. Every year exotic animals are taken from their habitat to be sold in the black market. I save this Iguana that was hurt in his leg in a street market.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Let it shine

After a very (very, very) rainy day, it’s always nice to se some rays of light…. LOL.
I like the composition of this pic, how the light looks on the stairs, as we see that guy at the end, waiting for the day to come.
Friday, September 08, 2006
The route goes on

Remember this pic?? Well, another eagle's head is founded at Jardin Hidalgo in Tlaquepaque. At left is the kiosko (look at the pigeons at the roof!!) and at right you can se a tiny peek of San Pedro's Church tower.
As we're getting ready to celebrate our independence, despite all the post-electoral troubles we're dealing through, it's cool to see an sculpture that remind us the origin of a our independent nation :).
Thursday, September 07, 2006
"Oh glorious water!!"

This bicycle rider took a break to “wash” his face on fountain. The water that fills these ornaments is not always the cleanest, but at least I hope was fresh for him.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Before europeans arrived to Mexico the alcoholic beverage was the Pulque, but only the emperors and the elders were permited to drink it. It was a big foul to get drunk, and the society tried to avoid the alcohol.
From the 16 century to the 19 a lot of the money for the goverment came from the taxes in the Pulque. Today pulque is seldom drink in Mexico, beverages like beer now are more important, the trend started in the 50s and 60s when people moved from the fields to the cities, and it was considered "low" drink pulque. Still you can fiend places called "Pulquerias" and drink the liquor. It is made of a juice of cactus and naturally fermented. The juice is called "Aguamiel" like "honey water", and is really delicious.
Tlaxcala, Puebla and Hidalgo are mexican states were still the production of pulque is important. Before the beverage was for all the country.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Mes patrio

September is the patriotic month for the Mexicans, because on the 16th we celebrate our independence (not in may 5th).
The Mexican seal (an eagle eating a snake standing on a nopal) was originate by Huiztilopochtli leyend, and ancient god that told the Aztecs to found their city wherever they find this sign, after they leave Aztlan. This was at the Texcoco lake (today Mexico City). So they had to build it over the lake.
This is part of a sculpture that is in Zapopan main plaza, above it there is a giant flag. So it represents two of the three national symbols (the other one is the national anthem).
Saturday, September 02, 2006

Diferente from Europe where most of the travel is done by train, here in Mexico we use a lot the bus, called "autobus" or "camion". If you are traveling in first class usually the line gives you some free sodas, and sandwich. You also can watch a movien in thebus, bad movies or hollywood commercial movies. Here is outside Guadalajara in route to Puerto vallarta.
By the way, the bus was broken and we have to waitfor a new one.
Friday, September 01, 2006
September 1st theme day: Doorways

Tejuino is a mexican beverage made of cfermented corn, it is really fresh specially if you put some lemon ice in it. As soon I see this Tejuino vendor stepped in face of the door I said to myself "this is tha pic for the theme day"
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