Guadalajara Daily Photo
Sunday, July 30, 2006
What's that on my rear view?

Oh yes, on Enrique Diaz de León street, you can find yourself face to face (well, sort of) with a calandria. It just had finished rain, hence the drops on the glass.
At least is nice to see a horse than a bad mood morning face.
Thanks to you all for your emails, and personal support. There's nothing more great than receveing the support of your loved ones during the loss of someone really loved.
Friday, July 28, 2006
it is not Toscany

The house is from the XX century, the place: Chapala. It looks little bit medieval, I think about Toscany but maybe it looks different to an Italian.
Sometimes there are interestingo houses and we naver pay atention to them.
70's building
An apology to all our visitors. Lately we have been little bit "lazy" with the posting of pics, Liz and I have been busy or traveling due job reasons. Now Liz said sorry because she did not posted last nite. It was a sad surprise when I read the message she send me saying she could not post a new pic last nite, she lost a close relative. My condolences to Liz Feliz

This building is in Lopez Cotilla Street. I like specially this street because is close to cafes, bars, and bookstores. I dont know who designed this building, probably in the 70s, but i like its view. Few people notice it.

This building is in Lopez Cotilla Street. I like specially this street because is close to cafes, bars, and bookstores. I dont know who designed this building, probably in the 70s, but i like its view. Few people notice it.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
La Fuente

La Fuente (the fountain in English) is a famous Cantina in Guadalajara. It is located in the downtown, close to goverment hall, the school of music, the teacher's union and the local congress. Usually u can see musicians, politicians, teachers, students young and old people, all together having a good time. A band of musicians plays regulary, singing old boleros and tangos.
There is a bycicle there, really old, you can see it above the main bar. The legent said that once a customer came, drank, and he had no money, so he let his bycicle like a payment and promesing to return next day......well, they are still waiting for him.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Plaza del Sol

Plaza del Sol is a well know mall in Guadalajara. If you'd asked me the main difference among the others, would be the quantity of fountains. This one specially likes me because it has a system that flows up the wate like a geiser, so if you aren't aware of that, you might get caught with a fresh surprise.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
When I grow up!!

Our best wishes are with you Beirut Daily Photo, please remind that faith is in the hearts of those who believe
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Chapala Lake
It is a day with rain, we are happy for our lake because even few raindrops are good for a drying lake.

Just 45 minutes far from Guadalajara, Chapala and its sourronding small towns is a favorite for spend good times far from the stress of the city. It is a place for relax specially on summer. It started in 1904 when fomer presiden Porfirio Diaz started to spend vacacions in Chapala.

Chapala is the biggest lake in Mexico but as the cities grow more water is need it form our rivers and lakes, now Chapala is starving.

Just 45 minutes far from Guadalajara, Chapala and its sourronding small towns is a favorite for spend good times far from the stress of the city. It is a place for relax specially on summer. It started in 1904 when fomer presiden Porfirio Diaz started to spend vacacions in Chapala.

Chapala is the biggest lake in Mexico but as the cities grow more water is need it form our rivers and lakes, now Chapala is starving.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

This is the welcome sign you will find if you arrive from the entrance of Tonala. It's been raining cats and dogs so you'll se some oxid on it.
I really hope you see this live, and when you do so, contact us for a tour!!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Los Guachimontones

Mexico is full of pre-hispanic places, probably the most know are Teotihuacan and Palenque, but our land is full of history. In Jalisco there are about 4,000 prehispanic areas ready to be discovered or recusntructed. About 50 minutes far from Guadalajara there is a small town named Teuchitlan, were in 1967 some piramids were discovered by accident: Los Guachimontones. The site started to be poblated about 400 before Christ, and long before the Aztecs were the biggest empire, the people from Guachimontones dissapeared.
The particular features of these piramids nad the culture are their circular shape. The site is close to a small lake, but hundreds of years ago, in the climax of this civilization, it use to be connected with Chapala Lake. In a future post I will talk about Chapala.
Friday, July 14, 2006

One of my eldest doubts... what's more dangerous: driving talking by cellphone, or driving taking pictures???
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Sayula's Dry Lake

This is not a desert neither a dry lake, it was few water in dry season but in rainny season looks like a mirrow and it is full of birds and life. It has been that way even before the humans appeared in this region. As you can read it is not dead, just sleep in the year. It has been declared protected becuase its humidity is part of the world natural ecosystem.
It is few minutes far from Guadalajara, and close to Sayula, a small town where Juan Rulfo was born. Its view is so amazing that some artists have come to record videos, such as Nine Inch Nails.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Dr. Simi

As you may know, we just finished election time. By now we have a winner, that is not considered as that by his opponent... but that's another story. We choose among 5 registered candidates, which belong to a political party. But as in most of the democratic systems there's a chance to vote for a civilian candidate. Well that's the case of Mr. Victor Gonzáles Torres (AKA Dr. Simi) who rules a big chain of drugstores that sell medicines cheaper than the "original" ones. He says that is the same formula only produced by his own, in fact his slogan is “Lo mismo, pero mas barato” (The same, only cheaper).
As you can imagine most of people who doesn’t have social security buy its medicine, usually poor people, so on election campaign time he used to appear almost everywhere “convincing” everyone to give him a vote, and when I say everywhere I mean it. This is the back side of a van promoting him, I thought it was carrying stuff from his drugstores, but nope… it was just doing campaign.
On july 2, election day, he obtained 0.71% of the votes, which are 297,989 votes nation wide… the “winner” (there’s still no official winner) Felipe Calderon obtained the 35.89%, 15’000,284 votes… but who’s counting???
Monday, July 10, 2006
The grow of a city

In the early 60s Guadalajara was a small city with less than a million habitans. The idea of Mexico trying to be known in the world was precided with the 1968 Olympic Games and 1970 Soccer world cup. At the end of the 1960s decade the first sign of a city growing and looking for a place in the world of business and commerce was the openning of the first Hilton Hotel, the one on this picture, now with other name.
2006 the city have more than 4 million peope living here, and still trying to have a place in the world.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Brownies a la mexicana

Sometimes it's just really fun to see how "common" dishes are prepared on different latitudes of the world. Well that's the case of this brownie a la mexicana (ok, ok, semi-mexicana) You can see that is very cool the way they served it. This is a La Mode, a very cool coffee place located at Mexico Avenue. A must-be visited place when you come to GDL!!
Public Library

This is the city's public library. Right now is not working in this building because it was damage for a earthquake two or three years ago. The Universidad de Guadalajara is in charge of the building, they relocated the books in other site. A new library is been building inside a cultural space that will be really amazing. Meanwhile the old library waits for some repairs.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
The Mullenium Arches

The weirdest thing is that actually nobody really knows how much money has been expended because there were many private associations that gave money, but not enough because since 2003 the arches were left as you can see them, and according to the original model there are still two arches to build.
We hope to have this done by next millennium!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Born to be wild!!

Well, actually this motorcicly is not from a hell angel, it is from a transit authority in Guadalajara. Despite all the problems of corruption in the country where it is usual to bride a police, the teams of bikers from the transit authority are famous because their skills as drivers. They were inmortalized in a 50's movie named "ATM" where one of top film stars form mexican cinema is featured: Pedro Infante. Most of them have Harley Davidson, but in this picture you can see a Kawasaki bike.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Sad, sad, sad

On1992 Guadalajara suffered a great pain. I was eight years old at that time, so I don’t think I can say the exact amount of fear we all live back then. I just remember my father’s face as he was driving to “visit” her sister out of GDL at 2am…
This sad episode happened days after the residents of de Barrio of Analco started complaining about a strong “gasoline” smell coming from the sewers. When the experts decided that there was no need to evacuate, everyone went to sleep. But in the morning after, exactly April 22nd numerous explosions in the sewer system destroyed more than two miles of street. Officially, 206 people were death, some other 500 were hurt and 15,000 were left homeless.
On 2004, this thing was revealed in order to remember the suffering and pain of this chapter. Is located very close to Gante Street, the most damaged at this tragedy… I just think is horrible and very hard to watch. It reminds so much of the images I remember seen on TV and newspapers.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Pin my world

As some of our dear visitors may guess, one of my rituals is visit the "Tianguis Cultural" and look for old records. Sometimes I go there with my young cousin because she loves to buy pins. I guess it is a teenager thing, well, a guilty pleasure is to have some on my bag, I am not a very serious professor.