Guadalajara Daily Photo
Wednesday, May 31, 2006

In spanish a Calandria is the name of a kind of bird, I am not sure about their name in english, but here in Guadalajara a Calandria is also a traditional carriage pulled by a horse, and used by the tourists. Usually a visitor takes the tour from the historical downtown to other places where there are nice views of the city. It was funny to see this sign forbidden a calandria to be ride in a particular street. Beleive me, the street where I took the picture is all but touristic.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
The route of freedom

In order to give a graphic idea of the places Hidalgo visited, these eagle heads points the way he followed. This is at the entrance of Tlaquepaque, where he declared the Abolición de la Esclavitud (The Abolition of Slavery).
Monday, May 29, 2006

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The people of Guadalajara are known as tapatíos. Over the years, there had been many, many, and many stories trying to explain the origin of this word... and why are we called like this. One of these stories says that at the old entrance of San Pedro Tlaquepaque (the column at the right of this picture is what's letf of the garita) there was a young lady that used to sell tamales with her uncle (in spanish "tío"); they have so many customers that they could not get the lid (again in spanish "tapa") over of the pot. So the girl used to tell him: "the lid, uncle!" (not the greatest translation) in spanish "¡la tapa, tío!". As she said this too much, people started to call them "tapatíos"... so, here you go (but still... how come did we all get this nickname?, I'll tell you the other stories later, maybe we'll find out).
This old entrance was destroyed during a car accident in which a very glamorous member of Tlaquepaque's high society was death... and in her honour was never rebuilt.
This is at Plaza de la Bandera... another source of interesting stories.
Saturday, May 27, 2006

Friday, May 26, 2006
Another disc on the wall

Thursday, May 25, 2006
Extreme measures

Maybe you have to make this image bigger to see the... let's say "weirdness involved". Lately I read about people using donkeys as security for sheeps, but this... I couldn't believe it until I asked the workers.
This super donkey was hired in order to protect this construction, as he has this hyper sensible ear and powerful sound making voice, there's no comparison. Besides, even though they say they treat him well, I don't think he's very comfortable here. Anyway I'm still up for video cameras... what do you think?
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Is that a bird?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006
La Minerva

Today we’ll see one of the most significant icons of GDL: La Minerva, this huge fountain was supposed to be located at the exact crossing of the highways that goes to Nogales, Morelia and the south of Jalisco, now trough it are two of the biggest avenues in the city: Lopez Mateos Avenue and Vallarta Avenue.
It was build by the order of the Mayor Agustin Yañez being responsible of this project the architect Julio de la Peña. In the middle of the fountain there’s a statue resembling Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom, arts and war, constructed by the sculptor Pedro Medina (there’s a story that says he built it resembling himself on the face and the body of Minerva, that’s why she isn’t such a beauty).
It has so much interesting details, that aren’t visible on this pic, that's why we’ll talk about them later.
Monday, May 22, 2006

Walking and shopping is not always a good combination, mostly if you do it on a very hot May day. But you know there'll be some oasis that will erase your thirst. This guy offers Cerveza de Raíz, a very cool mix of flavor syrup and mineral water. There are many flavor but this time there were only cherry and cola. Oh, and you should really try them together!!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
The Baratillo

Today I visited The Baratillo a huge street market (I think is the biggest one in GDL) is located at Manuel Cuesta Gallardo St. between Gigantes St. and Puerto Melaque, and growing. Is very famous for the memorabilia sellings. I found this seller of matches very interesting, because there were packages from everywhere in the world all gather together on a street in my city. I love this place!
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Another tree (this one doesn't feel sad)

Just some doves resting up above a tree, outside San Rafael Park. They seem to be part of the branches, and I think, in a way, they are.
Friday, May 19, 2006
The tree of Pisa

Thursday, May 18, 2006
Tacos, tacos

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Beautiful sky

I took this yesterday. This sky was meant to be shown here. I just had to take it. It was raining a few minutes before, and suddenly it stopped and there you go. Sadly there wasn't a rainbow.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Tlaquepaque at night

Monday, May 15, 2006

Tonala is also part of Guadalajara Metro Area. On thursdays and sundays there is a tianguis (you remember?) on Tonaltecas Avenue, the main street on this town. You can buy there all kind of handcrafts, pottery and everything you'll ever dream to find. This is a puesto (street market stand) of very small figures resembling the ones that are used on kitchens.
Sunday, May 14, 2006

This delicious treat is called cacahuates garapiñados (original recipe, in spanish), and is nothing but peanuts covered with melt sugar. There are prepared almost in every "tianguis" (street markets) and believe me… they are delish!! But I admit it, I took this because of the guy, he is just so carefully cooking this that he didn't notice me.
Saturday, May 13, 2006

Friday, May 12, 2006
That's all folks!!

Oh yeah, what you see is absolutely real. I took this back in december (hence the christmasy decoration up there) but I had to show you this pic (enlarge it, so you can appreciate it). In Mexico we celebrate with a huge party when a girl turns out fifteen, something like the "Sweet 16 Party". Obviously there's a huge dress involve that is sell at bridals shops, just like this, on Donato Guerra Street, at downtown. So if you know a huge fan of Looney Tunes, I dare him to have this piece on his collection!!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Musicians on the street

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Half and half

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Car races, I mean bus races... or cow races??

At GDL we have a big problem with public transportation, not only are too many, and too inefficient bus lines at the city, but some of them are driven as if they were in Montecarlo. That's why all the buses are suppose to have an "Alarma Reguladora de Velocidad", some kind of gadget that emits a sound when the bus gets up to 65km/hr (40.39 miles per hour). But let's be honest, that hasn't make any difference, because has caused many accidents, as you may imagine. The drivers of this buses are nicknamed Vacunos, that means "bovines"... mocking about their behaviour behind the wheel, you know as if a cow would drive better than they. The question is still in the air.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Let's begin

They say that there's nothing like a new day to begin... well this photo was taken at 7:00 am but the sun seems like it was 3:00pm. That "new day" this City Blog, was supposed to be born, only that is until today when is finally released. This shot is from the Primavera Forest, that is in Zapopan (that still belongs to Guadalajara Metro Area (ZMG, later I'll try to explain how exactly GDL is divided). If anyone knows the name of this tree, I'd really appreciate if you let me know.
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